Digital Revolution Awards 2025

2025 Judging process

We are proud to present our 2025 premium sponsors:

Digital Revolution Awards judging process

How are the judges selected?

The judges are chosen from a wide range of senior leaders and advocates across the ecosystems in which we operate. There are three ways our judges are confirmed—firstly via applications received, secondly our sponsors receive a judge place as part of their sponsorship, and lastly from referrals from Tenth Revolution Group employees. All judges are external so there is no bias and judges cannot be employed by Tenth Revolution Group.

How is the judging process carried out?

Judges are allocated to a judging panel which is made up of up to 12 judges, with each panel deciding up to four categories.

  • During the allocation process we try wherever possible not to allocate a judge into a panel where they have a conflict of interest, however this is not always possible
  • If a judge has a conflict of interest in a category that they have been allocated they will be recused from that award and will only judge the other categories their panel has been allocated


There are two parts to our judging process: the Longlist Scoring and Shortlist Roundtables.

Longlist Scoring

  • Judges will view all nominations within the nomination platform for each category they have been allocated and list their top five nominations, ordering them from first to fifth
  • Once all selections have been made, each nomination that has been allocated a placing in the top five will be given a score relative to their placement for each judge: five points if placed first, four points for second place, down to one point for fifth place.
  • All scores are added together to create the shortlisted entries

Shortlist Roundtables

  • Each judging panel will meet either in-person or virtually to discuss and agree a winner for each of their allocated categories.
  • Any judge with a conflict of interest in a category will be recused and will leave the room while that category is being discussed
  • A moderator and proctor from Tenth Revolution Group will be allocated to each panel. Their role is to ensure all judges are heard and confirm agreement of winners—they will be fully impartial and will have no say in any of the decisions made
    Winners will be announced at either our in-person or virtual shows.

Our 2025 Premium sponsors